Risotto with wild mushrooms


  • Risotto (B13) – 450 g
  • Wild mushrooms mix – 200 g
  • Thyme – 1 branch
  • Parmesan cheese – 10 to 15 g
  • Butter – 10 g
  • Chopped shallot – 5 g
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Brush/clean the mushrooms and cut them into wedges.
  2. Clean the branch of thyme and pick the leaves.
  3. Fry the finely chopped shallot and mushrooms in a hot pan with the butter and season to taste.
  4. Keep the nicest pieces of mushrooms aside for decoration, but leave the rest in the pan.
  5. Reduce the heat and pour the frozen risotto into the pan. Heat the risotto over low heat while stirring.
  6. When the risotto is ready and hot, add 10g of Parmesan cheese while stirring.
  7. Arrange the risotto in a bowl or in a takeaway tray, garnish with the rest of the mushrooms and a thyme branch.

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