Snijd de asperges fijn en houd de aspergepunten apart. Verwarm de saus volgens de instructies op de verpakking en hou ze warm in een bain-marie.
Verwarm de Tortelloni 3 minuten in licht gezouten kokend water.
Verdeel de pasta in een beker en giet de saus erover. Werk af met de fijn
gesneden asperges, aspergepunten, doperwten, pompoenpitten en roze
Pheasant with stuffed morels and Mezzalune Vitello
Pheasant with stuffed morels and Mezzalune Vitello

- Pheasant breast – ½
- Mezzalune Vitello – 3 pcs
- Morels – 100 g
- Oyster mushrooms – 50 g
- Duxelles of brown mushrooms – 6 pcs
- Chopped shallot – ½ pc
- Ricotta – 2 tbsp
- Demi-glace – 50 g
- Butter – 1 knob
- Reserve 3 to 4 nice whole morels and finely chop the rest.
- Sauté the shallot in butter, add the duxelles and the chopped morels, season and then mix in the ricotta. Keep cool in a piping bag.
- Season the pheasant, sear it in butter and place it in an oven dish. Cook in the oven at 140°C for 10 minutes, adding the demi-glace after 5 minutes. Let it rest.
- Combine the cooking juices, butter and demi-glace to create a smooth sauce.
- Stuff the morels with the ricotta-duxelles mixture and sauté them in butter along with the oyster mushrooms.
- Reheat the Mezzalune Vitello in salted boiling water for 5 minutes. Place the pheasant on a warm plate, drizzle with sauce, then add the mezzalune and mushrooms.