Snijd de asperges fijn en houd de aspergepunten apart. Verwarm de saus volgens de instructies op de verpakking en hou ze warm in een bain-marie.
Verwarm de Tortelloni 3 minuten in licht gezouten kokend water.
Verdeel de pasta in een beker en giet de saus erover. Werk af met de fijn
gesneden asperges, aspergepunten, doperwten, pompoenpitten en roze
Tortelloni with summer vegetables
Tortelloni with summer vegetables

- Tortelloni Vegan (ref. D73) – 2 kg
- Puttanesca sauce (ref. H23) – 1 kg
- Shallots – 2 pcs.
- Kalamata olives – 150 g
- Green olives – 150 g
- Capers
- Artichoke hearts – 12 pcs.
- Chives – 1 tsp
- Heat the tortelloni according to the instructions on the package and let cool.
- Peel the shallots and cut them in half. Do the same with the artichoke hearts. Fry shallots and artichoke hearts in a pan with olive oil and season. Let cool.
- Mix the tortelloni with the cold sauce and add the grilled shallots and artichoke hearts. Save some nice pieces to decorate the dish.
- Garnish the dish with Kalamata and green olives, capers and chopped chives.