Snijd de asperges fijn en houd de aspergepunten apart. Verwarm de saus volgens de instructies op de verpakking en hou ze warm in een bain-marie.
Verwarm de Tortelloni 3 minuten in licht gezouten kokend water.
Verdeel de pasta in een beker en giet de saus erover. Werk af met de fijn
gesneden asperges, aspergepunten, doperwten, pompoenpitten en roze
Conchigliette salad with chicken
Conchigliette salad with chicken

- Conchigliette – 160 g
- Diced tomatoes – 20 g
- Diced avocado – 20 g
- Diced cucumber – 20 g
- Pomegranate seeds – 10 g
- Chicken drumstick – 1 piece
- Herb mix for chicken – ½ tsp
- Cream – 20 ml
- Red wine vinegar – 1 tsp
- Mustard – ½ tsp
- Flat-leaf parsley – ½ tsp
- Sumac – 3 pinches
- Edible flowers
- Salt & pepper
- Olive oil
- Reheat the conchigliette for 30 seconds in salted water, drain, and let cool.
- Rub the chicken with olive oil, season with chicken spices, grill, and slice into strips.
- Mix mustard, red wine vinegar, and cream. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
- Combine the pasta with the diced tomatoes, cucumber, and avocado, vinaigrette and parsley. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.
- Arrange on a plate, place the chicken on top, and garnish with pome granate seeds, sumac and flowers.