Snijd de asperges fijn en houd de aspergepunten apart. Verwarm de saus volgens de instructies op de verpakking en hou ze warm in een bain-marie.
Verwarm de Tortelloni 3 minuten in licht gezouten kokend water.
Verdeel de pasta in een beker en giet de saus erover. Werk af met de fijn
gesneden asperges, aspergepunten, doperwten, pompoenpitten en roze
Gratinated endives
Gratinated endives

- Chicory/Cheese/Ham Sauce (H15) – 160 g
- Braised or steamed endive – 2 to 3 pcs
- Cooked ham – 2 slices
- Grated cheese for gratin – 20 g
- Bintje potatoes – 200 g
- Milk – 5 cl
- Nutmeg – 2 pinches
- Butter – 10 g
- Salt and pepper
- Let the chicory drain well, especially if it was steamed. Then place the endive heads on slices of ham and roll them up.
- Place the rolls in a baking dish and spread the endive sauce over them, covering everything with grated cheese. Gratin for a few minutes and bake at 180°C (20-25 min.).
- Prepare a mashed potato and gradually add milk and butter until the desired consistency is achieved. Finish with butter and seasoning.
- Arrange the rolls on warm plates with some mashed potatoes and add a bit of sauce. It’s also perfectly fine to serve this in the gratin dish.