Snijd de asperges fijn en houd de aspergepunten apart. Verwarm de saus volgens de instructies op de verpakking en hou ze warm in een bain-marie.
Verwarm de Tortelloni 3 minuten in licht gezouten kokend water.
Verdeel de pasta in een beker en giet de saus erover. Werk af met de fijn
gesneden asperges, aspergepunten, doperwten, pompoenpitten en roze
Chicken pasta à la provençale
Chicken pasta à la provençale

- Rigatoni – 300 g
- Primavera sauce – 150 g
- Chicken breast, diced – 80 g
- Finely chopped garlic – ½ clove
- Shallot – 10 g
- Olive oil – 1 tbsp
- Mediterranean herbs – ½ tsp
- Parmesan – 10 g
- Salt and pepper
- Basil leaves (for decoration)
- Heat the olive oil in a pan and roast the chicken cubes until golden brown. Halfway through roasting, add the shallot, garlic and Mediterranean herbs. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside.
- Heat the sauce according to the instructions on the packaging and keep it warm in a bain-marie.
- Heat the Rigatoni for 30 seconds in lightly salted boiling water and drain.
- Arrange the pasta in a bowl. Top with the roasted chicken cubes and pour the sauce over. Garnish with grated Parmesan cheese and a few fresh basil leaves.