Tortelloni ai carciofi


  • Tortelloni Ricotta and Spinach (D71) – 300 g
  • Formaggio sauce (H7) – 100 g
  • Blanched broccoli – 50 g
  • Grilled artichoke hearts – 2 pieces
  • Chopped roasted almonds – 1 tbsp
  • Gorgonzola – 1,5 tbsp
  • Parmesan flakes – 10 g
  • Pepper and salt
  • Cream – 10 cl


  1. Heat the cheese sauce in a saucepan and add the cream and gorgonzola. Season to taste.
  2. Warm the tortelloni in lightly salted boiling water for 3 minutes and drain.
  3. In a hot pan, heat the artichoke hearts and broccoli. Add the tortelloni and hot sauce.
  4. Mix everything together and arrange on warm deep plates.
  5. Garnish with chopped almonds and Parmesan flakes, and add a sage leaf for decoration.

Tip: the step where the pasta goes into the pan is just to mix everything. For large volumes, we recommend mixing everything and reheating it in the steamer.